Final Fantasy 16 Overheat PS5

Well, it looks like Sqaure Enix has got some work to do with Final Fantasy 16. The action RPG, which released just over a week ago at the time of writing, appears to have a pretty serious crashing issue. And when we say serious, we mean it's straight up overheating PS5 consoles and completely shutting them down.

This is according to multiple user reports across Reddit and Twitter — and they all tell the exact same story. Final Fantasy 16 is crashing PS5s at a very specific point in the game, but only when its graphics mode is being utilised. For context, graphics mode pushes resolution, but caps the frame rate at 30 frames-per-second.

Since we never encountered this issue, and because we haven't seen more people talking about it, it's fair to assume that most players are using the game's performance mode, which, outside of some frame rate dips, doesn't have any major problems.

We're wondering whether the summer heat is a contributing factor as well, but either way, it's clear that this issue will have to be dealt with. It's not often that a game is capable of forcing an entire system to collapse!

Hopefully Square Enix is on the case and this gets sorted sooner rather than later. But until then, we'd obviously recommend switching to performance mode if you're coming up to this point in Clive's adventure.

Have you run afoul of this particular crashing issue? Avoid dragoons at all costs in the comments section below.

[Thanks adilew for the tip]

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