Nicolas Cage is now officially playable in the PC-based Public Test Build of Dead by Daylight, ahead of his arrival on PS5 and PS4 on 25th July. As previously announced, the actor will be playing a fictionalised version of himself, which is particularly amusing. “While on set filming the role of a lifetime, his performance summoned The Entity, a malevolent being of incomprehensible power,” the press release reads.

Like most Survivors in the game, Cage comes with three new perks: Dramaturgy allows his instincts to take over in moments of high intensity; Scene Partner enables him to glean a greater insight into Killers’ next moves; and Plot Twist allows him to use his “second-to-none acting ability to get deeper into character than ever before”. That latter one allows you to effectively fake your own death, which is interesting.

Expect to see quite a lot of gameplay popping up on YouTube beginning now and through until the character’s official launch. In the meantime, check out the new cinematic trailer embedded above.
